Girls Style

Posted: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 in Cabelos, Jóias


Left Side

Skin: Ladies Skin pack B – already post in here

Hair: *mikan_1L_hair_love mouse style from Mikan – L$1 (I got this SLurl from Adrielle Loire)

Dress: GS*ITEM CAMP+GS*Dot FRIENDS from Girls Style – Camping Chair (10min – I got this SLurl from Adrielle Loire)

Shoes, Bracelets and Earrings: *Cas* Accessories freebie box from Cas – Free

Poses: Model Pose Stand from Royal DesignsL$10 (100 poses include) – Gift of the Week

Right Side

Skin: Ladies Skin pack B – already posted in here

Hair: *mikan_1L_hair_love mouse style from Mikan – L$1 (I got this SLurl from Adrielle Loire)

Outfit: Girls Style*Amemura-Item* from Girls Style – Camping Chair (10min – I got this SLurl from Adrielle Loire)

Shoes: /Fuel/ *Poppy* Bella Court Shoes from Fuel – L$1

Poses: Model Pose Stand from Royal DesignsL$10 (100 poses include) – Gift of the Week

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